Boxer Rescue (UK)

Neglected Boxer Happy Boxer


I first e-mailed Boxer Rescue (UK) in February 2000, asking if it was alright to included them in the links list here at Boxer Babes.  At that time they were known as 'Wirral & Merseyside Boxer Rescue (UK)'.

They replied back to say that yes it was fine, but their Website had been put together quickly as a temporary one, but was becoming permanent due to lack of time.


I next e-mailed Boxer Rescue (UK) in September 2000 to let them know about my new Web site, ukboxerdogs.  They e-mailed me back to let me know that they were now known as Boxer Rescue (UK).  As the month passed by I kept in touch with the rescue co-ordinater, a lady called Cath.  I got to know about their work and the dogs to be rehomed.

I approached Cath with the offer of redesigning their Web site for free.  The new site has grown and contains items such as, newsletters, and dogs that can never be rehomed and as such, are permanently homed with Cath.

If one extra dog is rehomed because of the new Web site, then all the work has been worth it.

If you would like read more about Boxer Rescue (UK) and their work, then please visit their new Web site by clicking on the link button or the web site address below.

Logo supplied by Boxer Rescue (UK)